Antoine Busnoys: Seule à par moy



The chanson Seule à par moy by Antoine Busnoys, live 4K video from the Voices of Music concert “Leonardo da Vinci: a Musical Odyssey”, March, 2018. Stefanie True, soprano; Malachai Bandy, tenor viol,
Adaiha MacAdam-Somer, treble viol.
This version is reconstucted from a Florentine manuscript. The rondeau has been shortened to two verses to fit the narrative of the full length program on Leonardo da Vinci.
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Seule à part moy dans chambre bien parée
Fais maintz regretz de joye separée
Disant a dieu qu’il me faisoit grant tort
Puis qu’il souffroit que la dolente mort
M’eust de tout bien ainsi desemparée

Comme la plus du monde preparée
A souffrir mort par moy tant desirée
Je vey qu’alors mon mal croissoit si fort
Que si espoir ne m’eust donné confort
Cent mille foys fusse desesperée

All alone in my gilded chamber,
Filled with regrets, bereft of joy,
Saying to God that he has done me a great wrong,
For he has let doleful death
Take all good things away…

More willing than anyone in the world
To suffer a desperate death
As my pain increased so much
With no hope of receiving comfort
A hundred thousand times would I despair.

© Voices of music


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